Your law firm has just launched its new website. Or maybe, after years of letting a very basic site just sort of sit there in cyberspace, you're finally getting serious about making a vibrant online place. You’re ready to get cracking and produce fresh legal content. Only one question: What should I write about on my blog? Here’s some tips for lawyers to help you break through … [Read more...]
What’s the Ideal Post Length for Your Legal Blog?
The marketing department at your law firm has decided that a blog is a good way to reach a new audience. They have asked you, a busy attorney, to be a regular contributor. Sure, you sigh. I’ll fit it in amongst the 90 hours of billable time I’m already working each week. The first question you probably have is simple and grudgingly asked—how long does this have to be? There … [Read more...]
Back to Basics: On-Page Optimization Techniques for Law Firms
George Orwell famously said, “We have reached the point where the first duty of intelligent men is to restate the obvious.” Whether digital marketing and organic SEO have reached that point remains to be seen. But in a world where a lot of messages about how to market your website are flying around, it’s a good idea to take Orwell’s advice to heart and begin with the basics. … [Read more...]
Use These 3 Legal Copywriting Tips To Attract New Clients
The advertising world continues to undergo constant change. Traditional modes are falling by the wayside. But there’s 1 thing that remains constant—whether you write for the Yellow Pages or for Google Ads, whether you write for a billboard or your website’s landing pages: you must produce good advertising content. So what constitutes “good” content? Here are 3 legal … [Read more...]
Do Law Firms Need a Blog? The Answer is YES!
Maintaining a vibrant website and blog is a big commitment for a law firm. The temptation to “set it and forget it” is an easy one to fall into after the launch. But if the firm’s website is going to fulfill its potential, it needs steady care and feeding. What’s the value of a blog for lawyers? If the partners get compensated in the $200-$300 per hour range, it may be hard … [Read more...]